My friends when you are short on time and just want to get that quick little burn in, these three exercises are perfect for health and weight loss. If you don’t have the minutes to make it to the gym, these will ensure you still sweat and get the benefit you are after without needing too much space.

The reason is rather than working specific muscle groups such as biceps, chest or calves, they activate multiple and when you utilize more muscle it saps up more energy. This energy is used to provide muscular and cellular action and also repair to your body. The more that is expended you are more likely to work into and burn your fat stores. It also means you release more endorphins and happy hormones, which means your overall vibe on life is amazing.

Start the day

I like to start my days with these kinds of exercises as they help to kick start my metabolism for the day ahead. I will still hit the gym or do some form of longer form exercises at some point in the day, but if I am looking to make sure my engine is burning from the beginning, these selections are perfect as I can do them in my room or just outside with little fuss. By having your metabolism burning from the start of the day it means you will be burning more energy earlier on when you are not even working out. Think of it is as starting that bonfire early and when its burning all those logs and timber you are working off those goals with just your daily activity.


Little Space

One of the greatest advantages of these actions is they offer no excuses. They can be performed pretty much anywhere, so give yourself that 15 minutes of you time in the morning and get ready to sweat.

So instead of working just those push ups, squats or single leg lunges combine them into a multi-movement with a multiple muscular action and you be prepared to reap the benefits… and of course my friends always finish with something healthy and tasty 😀

Bear Crawl to Squat


A bear crawl does not just burn the shoulders and legs, wait for your lungs to get a bit of love too and thats all before the squats come to town.


Begin your crawl by positioning yourself on your hands and toes. Walk your knees under your chest moving your hands forward at the same time.

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A rep counts with each foot movement. Bust out 20 reps followed by 10 body squats and repeat 3 times. Give yourself 2 minutes rest and repeat the circuit 2-3 times

Reverse Burpie


Unreal for not just the front abdominals but complete body posture and mobility too. If you feel like advancing this movement hold some form of weight throughout the process.



Start by lying on your back, keeping your legs straight lift them 3 inches off the ground. Throw your hands over your head, then roll forward tucking your knees in and planting your feet in your squat stance. Stand and jump then go back down the way you came and repeat for 14 more reps. rest for 60 seconds and repeat 3-4 times

Push up Complex


This is going to test your core stability, when you take one of your four pillars away whilst in a push up stance your body is going to be stressed to not roll over. Try and keep your hips aligned and prevent them from rotating.


Complete a push up then take your right knee to your right elbow. Do the same with your left knee to your left elbow. Take your right knee to your left elbow and then your left knee to your right elbow. Repeat this movement 10 times, take a 45-60 second break and repeat 4-6 times.

With these three amazing big body movements your body will be charging that means when you hit work your already burning those goals and earning that 2017 wellness you have been looking for.

Hit my up on Instagram (@dan_churchill) for more heath tips, follow my stories for my exercises and of course the tasty food. Keep being amazing my friends!!!

xo DC