You legends keep asking me what that amazing nourishing bowl of color i am devouring on Snapchat (DanChurchillAUS) … Believe it or not there is a simple art to creating a sexy nourishing, great for you salad bowl… so here are my 5 tips to take home

Greens: Choose a green you love… not only is it super light and vibrant but will help soak up the sauce…

Grains: whether it be quinoa, barley or wild rice… these options build out the nourishing sustenance… they also carry so much flavor and allow that little pop of epicness when you dive in

Texture: This is what separates your garage singalong to your weapon of a Coachella festival salad. Have a solid crunch helps separate the ingredients and offers that splendid surprise between mouthfuls… my go to are nuts and seeds, and a variation of proteins, but you can also choose raw vegetables or even fruit! 😉

Acidity: Choosing lemon juice, red wine vinegar, apple cider vinegar, balsamic or other juiciness not only allows your ingredients to burst with life.. but they also allow the flavor to stay longer on your palate. Acidity makes flavor stick around for longer… talk about bonus points!!!

Sauce: This is what brings the whole puppy home, for every part acidity there should be 3 parts oil… i love a good quality extra virgin… and don’t even get me started on Tahini…. That is just a whole other board game… Ill be sending you plenty of saucy recipes as well


Now i want to see plenty of legendary #Tags of #ColorAlwaysWins… where there is color there is nutrition and therefore serious flavor!!!!

Get involved with this recipe legends!!!! and all of this for under $3 Yewwww

xo DC


Todays Salad

Ingredients (serves 2.. or 1 if for me 😉 )

3 Cups Kale leaves

1/2 Cup Quinoa, cooked

2 Peaches, cut into wedges

2 Tbsp Goats Cheese

1/3 Cup Pecans

3 Glugs Extra Virgin Olive oil

1 Glug Balsamic Vinegar

Pinch of Salt

Pinch of Pepper


  1. Combine kale and quinoa in a bowl,
  2. Layer in peaches, and goats cheese before sprinkling in pecans
  3. Pour in balsamic and olive oil, season with salt and pepper, get your mix on and serve… or if you like me eat it out of the bowl 😉

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