“Its the smallest things that can have the biggest impacts on your life…”

We all have different events throughout the day, some take more time, some require greater focus. Im a single guy living in NYC, and don’t have any other real responsibilities other than my own. This is vastly different compared to a single mum of 3 kids living in the UK. There is also an inundated amount of perception on how to actually commit to the best work-life balance… Many discussions online try to determine the best way to carry out the ideal day of both pleasure, happiness, responsibility and unselfish nature… but what is difficult is to take into account how different we truly all are.

A balance is not something that is of a normative value… we all don’t follow the same patterns from awakening to going to bed. So the number one thing I would like to highlight is… the balance of a day is subject to the individual.

I can’t tell you to do 1 hour of exercise in the morning followed by 3 hours of work, a lunch break then 3 hours of work, walk the dog, see the kids and cook dinner for everyone… and this is simply because, your distance to work may not allow this, your work is shift related and goes longer than 3 hours at a given time, you don’t have a dog and your kids don’t live at home anymore… Simply put there is no one method for us to achieve the balanced notion as your balance is different to my own.

The one thing we can say though is it is the smallest alterations that can have the biggest impact… Walking the kids to school may mean you don’t have to hit the gym that afternoon. More importantly it means you have spend genuine time with the people you loved. This will make you feel awesome and also satisfied another area of your life which is your genuine happiness…


Making this crumble definitely keeps me in balance 😉

Find out what works for you, take guidance but understand your life needs to balanced to the way that you live, not someone else’s otherwise it simply wont work long term

You don’t have to schedule particular hours for specific projects (unless this works for you), you just have to remember that balance also involves social, mental, physical and spiritual… personally I get this satisfaction from every time I cook… you never know, maybe if you bring out the pots and pans an extra night of the week you could get the same 🙂

Have a great week my friends

xo DC

Recipe of the week: One Pan Blueberry Crumble

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