Oh am I excited to bring you this recipe my friends! After taking on your feedback during our week of Healthy Habit making (click here if you want to start your healthy routine) I have created the Healthy Protein Packed Breakfast that lasts your entire week!

breakfast, frittata, food, easy, idea, healthy, eggs, cottage cheese, sweet potato, quick, dinner, breakfast, recipe, vegetarian, gluten free breakfast, frittata, food, easy, idea, healthy, eggs, cottage cheese, sweet potato, quick, dinner, breakfast, recipe, vegetarian, gluten free

I teased it on yesterdays Insta story (@dan_churchill) and the response I got was pretty epic so I am glad to turn this one around quickly for you. I love making frittatas as they can essentially include any combination of amazing flavors. They are also super simple to do and are a great meal to create in advance for several serves or for a party of your friends.

This recipe is part of a 7 day Healthy Habit option for you all. So if you want to have the recipes sent directly to you. Click here and put in your email

Is a Frittata Healthy?

Frittata’s are super healthy, we do not have to go on about the awesomeness of eggs, but we know that having all of the 20 amino acids involved in this lovely number add so much support to building those muscles and ultimately our metabolism. Lets talk about cottage cheese though… where have you been hiding?! I want to bring this one back, I know we see it in our isles and wonder what it is. Cottage cheese similarly to other cheese is created by adding an enzyme that splits the solids (curd) from the liquid (whey). The curds are the cottage cheese.

breakfast, frittata, food, easy, idea, healthy, eggs, cottage cheese, sweet potato, quick, dinner, breakfast, recipe, vegetarian, gluten free breakfast, frittata, food, easy, idea, healthy, eggs, cottage cheese, sweet potato, quick, dinner, breakfast, recipe, vegetarian, gluten free

But whats really exciting other than its awesome taste is that cottage cheese is actually quite high in protein. I am a big believer in full fat as it has more of the original product, less processed. In a nut shell a lot of the nutrients are removed when you go through to the lighter variations (Plus my friends remember the RIGHT FATS ARE ESSENTIAL TO YOU!).

So in addition to the cottage cheese and eggs a Frittata can involve any nourishing colorful ingredient, meaning more nutritional density for your body to repair, thrive and live and more taste for your mouth and stomach to be super happy, every body wins!

How does a Frittata last a week?

I did tell you this is the Healthy Protein Packed Breakfast that lasts your entire week. How? Simple, when your making this dish and it has 8 eggs in it along with a bunch of other ingredients i do not expect you to smash it out in one sitting (I definitely could though after my current workout schedule… it is that tasty).

breakfast, frittata, food, easy, idea, healthy, eggs, cottage cheese, sweet potato, quick, dinner, breakfast, recipe, vegetarian, gluten free

So what you can do is create this, following the super easy recipe below, as a one pan wonder and then slice it up into 5 portions. You can have it before the gym as soon as you get up, like I have, or if you are wanting to eat into last nights reserves for some direct fat energy expenditure save it for after. Its a simple reheat dish and if you ask me it tastes better the second time around (there is actually a science to why food tastes better when reheated, but we can chat about that later).

How much Protein is in a Frittata?

With whole eggs having approximately 6g each of protein and a cup of cottage cheese being between 16-24g, this frittata could contain up to about 72g (approximately). Pretty solid when you think how dense those protein sources are as well.

How to Cook a Frittata?

The key cooking aspect I want you all to take away is how simple it is to get that golden edge with a fluffy centre. Just start on the stove top, after pouring in your egg mix wait for the edges to get a little golden, loosen it up slightly with a spatula to ensure it does not stick and then allow the magic of the oven to take over.

breakfast, frittata, food, easy, idea, healthy, eggs, cottage cheese, sweet potato, quick, dinner, breakfast, recipe, vegetarian, gluten free breakfast, frittata, food, easy, idea, healthy, eggs, cottage cheese, sweet potato, quick, dinner, breakfast, recipe, vegetarian, gluten free

After listening to you all say sometimes that ‘mine does not look like yours Dan, but it tastes great’- firstly I am stoked that it tastes great but remember I have probably tested this a few times and shot about 30 photos before I have jumped into it (It is also my job to make it look super exciting for you to recreate… there is a reason I have video editors as that is their job, they have done it for longer and more consistently). So if yours does not look right or you think you made a mistake, simply make it again (now that is another win right there 😉 ), or hit me up on twitter for feedback :)(@churchill_dan)

Well my friends, after the response across social I am super excited to see the Healthy Protein Packed Breakfast being recreated. To be honest with a crispy base involving sweet potato you cant really lose. If there are ingredients you prefer to have in your frittata, be my guest, would love to hear your combinations @dan_churchill

If you are after more healthy recipe, click here to receive a free ebook, if your already following the 7 Day Healthy Habits, keep at it! you should be starting to feel that routine.

Lots of Healthy Frittata making!

xo Dan

Sweet Potato Crispy Base Frittata

Prep Time: 5-10 minutes

Cook Time: 20 minutes

Cost: $4-7

Skill: Easy


3 Tbsp Extra Virgin Olive Oil

1 Onion, sliced

1/2 Cup Your Favorite Mushrooms, sliced

1/2 a small Sweet Potato, peeled and sliced as thinly as possible

8 Eggs

3 Tbsp Cottage Cheese

1/3 Cup White Cabbage, shaved

Pinch of Salt & pepper


  1. Preheat oven to 375 F.
  2. Add 2 tbsp of olive to a pot on medium-heat and caramelize your onion for 5 minutes before adding your tasty mushrooms and cooking for a further 5 minutes or until golden.
  3. Transfer mushrooms and onion to a plate and drizzle your remaining olive oil into the pan. Layer in your sweet potato allowing to overlap and cover the base cook for 3 minutes.
  4. In a bowl whisk your eggs until airy before adding in your cottage cheese. Carefully add your mushroom mix on top of the sweet potato before pouring over your egg mix.
  5. Add in your cabbage and without touching base spread mix evenly, before adding sprinkling over your salt and pepper and transferring pan to your oven to cook for 10-15 minutes or until cooked through (I secretly like it a little runny in the center
  6. Transfer to a plate (turning upside using the plate if you wish), top with your favorite herbs, slice and serve and enjoy that sweet crispy base!

This recipe is part of a 7 day Healthy Habit option for you all. So if you want to have the recipes sent directly to you. Click here and put in your email

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