I now see how Snapchat & Instagram Stories can become a big tease… Last week i went through a mad Peanut Butter Smoothie notion… and I think for 5 days in a row on my Snapchat (@DanChurchillAUS) I put up the same breakfast option that i had been smashing…

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To my awesomeness you wicked people wanted to the recipe! Sooo without any form of hesitation I was super keen to shoot and deliver this baby for you.. not only that, but that means i have my smoothie already prepared in my fridge for tomorrow, so you thank you awesome people!

One of the biggest tips I want you to take away from this is the use of frozen bananas… these babies are ingredient gold in my eyes… they change the consistency of things to be much creamier and the flavor is definitely a lot sweeter (the freezing action holds those sweet carbohydrates whole and thus burst with flavor upon your devourment).


Peanut Butter is always going to be a win… if you prefer other nut butters be my guest in substituting… You can also reduce the liquid content by half and add an extra  teaspoon of  chia seeds to make it into a bowl… Regardless this is super winning start to your energy packed day, very nourishing, refine sugar free and you will be giving yourself high 5s for many days to come..

xo DC

Ingredients: (Serves 2)

2 Cups Almond Milk

1 Frozen banana

1 Tbsp Chia Seeds

2 tsp cinnamon

1 Tbsp Peanut Butter

1 Scoop Protein Powder (Optional)


  1. Add your milks first to your Vitamix or blender before adding in the rest of the ingredients (this will help the blades blitz the awesomeness together)
  2. Blitz until smooth, pour into a glass or if you hate washing up and don’t have anyone around to judge you… you know the drill

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