Do you want to know the secret ingredient to enhancing your juiciness out of a fruit? Watch the video below πŸ™‚

Having that little something something to tie over your afternoon is a very common question I get from you amazing people. On top of that you want one that is healthy but not too filling. Well with respect to so many amazing options I have created a recipe that is super interchangeable. By providing you with a base you can be flexible to add the flavors that you love and that are in season to your stomachs content. Be sure to watch the episode below on me putting it all together for you too πŸ™‚ Happy snacking my friends!


For this recipe I have chosen peaches, not only because they are in season, but because stone fruit offer a slow release energy, ideal for leading you into dinner. Berries are always going to be a great options and frozen are totally fine. Macerating them is a flavour magnifier and using lime juice just makes any fruits true tastes come out


My recommendations would be Natural yoghurt, nothing sweetened as for one you are adding your own flavours to it already and two you don’t want that really high sugar spike from ingredients you don’t know much about. Unsweetened Coconut milk for those who are lactose intolerant is always going to be a win.


These guys are your crunch factor. I love the neutral-ness of almonds, pecans or walnuts in this situation, but if you prefer another no matter what, there are no rules and you can go whichever way you want

Protein powder

This one is completely optional. If I have had a big morning workout and want to make sure I have enough recovery I add a bit of this to the yoghurt. I always go vanilla and it is so natural that it is barely sweet. Being vanilla it is way more versatile with fruit, nuts and almond butters compared to say a chocolate. You could even just go natural egg white protein if you wish


1 Peach, sliced

Juice of half a lime

2 tsp honey

1/2 Cup Natural Yoghurt

1 Tbsp Almonds Slithers

1 scoop natural Protein, optional

2 tsp Almond butter


  1. Combine peaches, lime juice and honey in a bowl and set aside to macerate
  2. In a serving dish combine the yoghurt and half the almond slithers. Add in the natural protein if you need that extra assistance with your recovery
  3. Serve peaches over the yoghurt and drizzle over the juices, sprinkle remaining slithered almonds and finish with almond butter for the afternoon win!

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