For all you sweet loving friends this bowl of amazingness is your go to. With the naturalness of blueberries we are giving you the sweetness without the refined sugar, so that is a serious win. Not to mention when you finish that workout you get that combination of textural amazingness between the crunchy nuts and the creamy milk option. Built up with protein and complex carbohydrates, this is what you are after to satisfy your sweet tooth and get the nutrition you need after that exhaustive workout… I make the granola in bulk and it is always going to be a winner for the week

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3 Cups Rolled Oats

1 Cups mixed nuts

1/2 Cup shredded Coconut

2 Scoops Protein Powder

1/3 Cup pepitas

Pinch of Salt

2 Tbsp Olive oil

1 Cup frozen blueberries

3 Tbsp Honey

1/2 Cup Coconut oil, melted

To serve

Dairy/Almond Milk

Natural/Coconut Yoghurt


  1. Preheat oven to 170 degrees C (340 F.)
  2. In a large mixing bowl combine your oats, nuts, coconut, protein powder, pepitas and salt
  3. In a other bowl combine your olive oil, honey and all but 1 tablespoon of coconut oil
  4. Combine the wet with the dry ingredients and toast in the oven for 18-22 minutes, rotating every 7 seconds so that everything is cooked evenly
  5. Meanwhile in a small saucepan combine the frozen berries and remaining tablespoon of coconut oil and cook until blueberries reduced to a half
  6. Serve granola with your choice of yoghurt, milk and top with that amazing #RefinedSugarFree Blueberry sauce

If your after the tasty savory post workout option click here