When it comes to finishing a workout I am always striving for that next meal time… Whether your after something sweet or savory hear you have to high protein options that are ideal for that come down after the sweat session. Remember its when your not doing your sweat sessions that you have to be switched on as what you put into your body after is a reflection of the work you did… But the number one rule is it must be super tasty…

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This first one the “Savory” number is ideal for the nourishing bowl lovers, packed with protein from end to end withe quinoa, protein and eggs, not to mention slow release carbs its ideal for the weight loss and lean muscle gains… get involved my friends 😀

The second one is for all you sweet loving friends. this bowl of amazingness will be your go to. With the naturalness of blueberries we are giving you the sweetness without the refined sugar, so that is a serious win. Not to mention when you finish that workout you get that combination of textural amazingness between the crunchy nuts and the creamy milk option. Built up with protein and complex carbohydrates, this is what you are after to satisfy your sweet tooth and get the nutrition you need after that exhaustive workout… I make the granola in bulk and it is always going to be a winner for the week

Savory Protein Post Workout Meal

Protein Packed Granola

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