
We all have our own gifts and talents… some of us can sing like serious weapons… have a wealth of knowledge on beauty and wellness… others can win an NBA championship after being down 3-1 in the play offs (lets not kid ourselves in saying Lebron James is not human 😉 )

There is definitely natural talent within us all, something that we have that just fits, comes with ease… i feel my ability to create my own vocabulary of words such as “goodness, awesomeness & babin” is super simple to me 😉

When it comes to a task or challenge, eg. setting a 5 minute km pace for a half marathon, losing 10kg/ pounds, watching all the seasons of Game of Thrones back to back ;)… its not something we generally achieve within a day, but also the action or steps to achieve said task do not come from just one day of execution.

Getting into a routine is one of the most affective tools to achieving a challenge. If setting yourself that task is the banana to that tasty smoothie, then actioning the practice for 21 days is the peanut butter, almond milk and chia seed to making sure it truly is delicious…

michael 5

How often have you performed something once only to not revisit it again for a while? eg. you learn a phrase in french but discontinue to use, or repeat its voice. Sometimes the worst thing for the long run of consistent execution is achieving the success straight off the bat…

If you continue to challenge yourself to truly master something, not just do it once, you are developing more skills than just the kinesthetics behind the action or performance, you are producing an understanding of what it is like to work hard or persist on something you have wanted…

This requires patience, acceptance, and willingness to repeatedly perform… next time you set yourself a task be realistic with the timeline you wish to fulfill it, remember it is a challenge for a reason, and that if it were easy you wouldn’t be wanting to achieve it with such anticipation…

Have an awesome week legends!!!

xo DC

P.S. for that wicked Banana Peanut Butter Smoothie Awesomeness (see what i mean about my vocabulary) click here