What does it take for you to be happy? Is it something simple? do you need something complex? Have you ever noticed how often your mind actually wanders throughout a day in search for that uplifting feeling? Towards an idea, dream, vision or love

It seems our minds are naturally always in search of happiness. This is a great thing!… if we are naturally looking to smile then we are intending to do things for the right reasons, or ones that suit our personal values… (check the color in my latest lunch bowl to know how happy i am 🙂 )

I always say do what you love and you will succeed“… opportunities will naturally present themselves as you create the right attractions towards the values you love. That moment sitting in a cafe with friends talking about a passion and like minded individuals and ideas doesn’t seem so uncommon now right?

Have you every noticed that whilst you are doing something for the sake of responsibility you are constantly thinking about the “what if” idea? I mean lets think about it for a second… Say your romantic relationship is in a happy position, thats an area of life you are content with… if you are constantly thinking about another work opportunity or passion it is perhaps something that you are in search of a different kind of happiness for…Your current position perhaps doesn’t challenge you anymore, or you feel like you are bored or perhaps another opportunity feels potentially more aligned with your long term vision for yourself…This is all completely natural


Our minds wander naturally, according to Kilingsworth & Gilbert’s (2010). But what i think is important for us all to ponder individually is why… obviously they would all be different… for me I’m always looking for that next restaurant, food to cook, or video to shoot to bring more happiness to people… Right now i get so much serotonin pumping through me with the big boarded feasts i get to create (see the photo above? 🙂 )…so this weeks open ended question for yourself to think about is… for you personally what is the happiness you are currently in search for?

If its something related to fitness/exercise i have your back with this weeks Winning WOWs (Workout Of the Week)


-30 seconds lactate shuttles 10m, 20m, 30m (rest 45 seconds) x 5

-10 x 10m sprints (starting from ground)

-5 x 40m sprints

METCON: 5 Rounds for time (20 minute time cap)

-50 Double Unders or 100 single skips

-20 burpies

-20 walking lunges (each leg)

-20 meter Bear Crawl

-200m Run

Resistance Training: On the minute for 10 minutes

-15-20 push ups


-10-15 Jump Squats


-30-45 seconds plank

Get involved in this sweat session legends… and ponder your right to be happy 🙂 loving your work and inspiration

xo DC


Ps. Thanks for all who joined the Facebook Live rooftop Session today 🙂