Meghan Asha – Success isnt linear, just be a good person

Hey Legends! Welcome back to another exciting episode of the Epic Table Podcast. Today we have Meghan Asha Founder and CEO of FounderMade! FounderMade is a platform for innovative, purpose-driven brands to showcase products in the food, beauty, and wellness industries, to larger-scale business, investors. We chat about what inspired her to start her brand, some of the adversities she faced during her early years all while piecing together the notorious Tahini Time bowl from Charley St’s menu! If you want to learn more about Meghan and her amazing brand, you can check her out on Instagram (@MeghanAsha and @FounderMade), Twitter (@Meghan) or her website ( TUNE IN LEGENDS!!!

Meghan Asha – Success isnt linear, just be a good person

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What is The Epic Table?

The Epic Table is the podcast where Dan Churchill cooks for some of the world’s most remarkable thought leaders, experts and A-list celebrities - follow along and learn from these exceptional people as they share their lives and experiences over unique, home-cooked, meals created by the Healthy Chef himself!

About the Author

Dan is all about friends and family. His mission is simple: To use food as a tool to bring people together and enrich their daily lives.

Know more about Dan